Domestic Nemesis ( -
Name: Gina aka Ms. Non Sequitor
Location: Madison, Wisconson
Blogging since: August
Summary: Little Ms. look-at-me-I'm-in-grad-school has her own blog! Let the zaniness commence! Reading this made me want to commit suicide, not because it's emo or anything (unfortunately) but because her life is just so interesting and fun and zany that it makes my own life look pale and worthless with a distinct lack of zaniness by comparison. What we have here, folks, is a professional Blogger who knows the ropes and won't hesitate to speak her mind for all to read, no matter the consequences! AMEN, SISTER.
Notable quotes:

"Is it silly to post a picture of my butt? I say what the hell, I might as well post it while I'm young, so I don't have to post it when I'm old and saggy!"
-Frankenstein Says: A noble sentiment, but I wish you were hotter and wearing less pants.
-Balls Says: uh.....
-Justin Says: No.
-Pat Says: Alcoholics don't deserve money.
"I'm in pain with every keystroke but I had to tell everyone the good news! I got an A on my second ethno paper. Yes it was only 3 pages but thanks to Templar's excellent proofing skills I really, truly got my first A in grad school. Yipppeeeee Hugs for everyone!"
-Frankenstein Says: I remember college. My first quarter I got a 3.8 GPA and thought I was the bee's knees, gave hugs to everyone and all that. Then the second quarter I actually took a class that was required to graduate, watched the GPA plummet and went from hugs 4 everyone to savage beatings of strangers in moonlit alleyways. Not bitter though. I'm not.
-Balls Says: uhhhh.....
-Justin Says: Fat.
-Pat Says: IF you blow them they will cum. Grades, salty liquids, and a field of dreams.

"Sometimes I eat so fast I make myself choke. I was just eating this pepper jack cheese one of the peppers got stuck in the wrong then while I was coughing and hacking, I shoved in more cheese and chips because I was so hungry-which made me choke even more. It was so stupid, but I couldn't stop myself from eating so fast."
-Frankenstein Says: Considering the nicknames she gives everyone like Uncle Q and The Raj, at first I assumed Pepper Jack was some dude. Cmon, Jack, show some restraint, she's suffering!
-Balls Says:uhhhhhh.....
-Justin Says: What.
-Pat Says: Stupid people have no balance. There are those that eat too much, and those that eat not enough. I say kill all of those that deviate from the standard, that is all.

"Since I'm talking about toenails...I think hair fits in the same category being as they are somehow both made of the same material. I don't understand why so much of mine falls out and why it is all over the place! No matter what I do, the hair will simply not stay in my head. Weird."
-Frankenstein Says: And yet another grad student in Radiology learns the hard way.
-Balls Says: zomg stop
-Justin Says: What is this.
-Pat Says: Use glue....stick it.
Final Review:
Wordiness Score: !!!! (4 out of 5)
Zaniness Score: :D :D :D :D :D (5 out of 5!!! HUGS FOR EVERYONE!!)
Emo Score: o_\\ (1 out of 5.)
WTF Score: ??? (3 out of 5)
Pix Score: .jpg .jpg (2 out of 5)
Verdict: Lame but perky.