Thursday, May 28, 2009

Star Trek (2009)

This was so epic. I only watched this to see how bad it was but it became awesome at the very beginning and the rest of the movie thereafter became fucking epic.

The last few years have been pretty bleak for sci-fi with StarGate getting canceled and the BattleStar series getting perma ended, so people have been itching to get back into space. Enter Star Trek, the disgraced franchise that ended in 2002 with Captain Picard fighting an angry clone of himself in Star Trek Nemesis. Pretty shitty. Also, they killed Data, which is fucking bullshit. Now enter director JJ Abrams, who lifts Star Trek out of the dumpster and cleans it up, taking out all the nerdy bullshit and drawing up the most realistic version of the future I've seen to date.

But that isn't enough. If you end with that, Star Trek will die the way that the Firefly movie did. So Abrams added a new storyline with 2 of the most poignant topics of our time: your parents and your career. These unlikely topics are, strangely, things that all people seem to care about. They represent the sum of your past and future, and you stand in the rift between them. No matter how amoral or apathetic you seem in person, you can erase neither your parents nor your career from your identity. So, you watch Kirk and Spock grow up with parents that love them and make sacrifices for them. Then you see them make the hard choices that lead them to an occupation with endless possibility. That is what people want to see. That is a gripping story.

FIRE EVERYTHING! is now a meme
Rating: 100%


Jusl89 said...

Spock was responsible for the failure to save Romulus, causing the Romulan mining ship to steal the Red Matter and travel back in time, causing the death of Kirk's father. So Spock killed Kirk's father.

Frankenstein said...

I like the red matter. What the heck is red matter? It makes black holes. Also you can travel through time through the black holes. Good enough for me!