Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Civil Disobedience: Paying Unjust Fines with Truculence Day 90+

Couple months ago I appealed a campus parking ticket. This is the same citation that I paid with pennies and other coins to a bunch of disgruntled passive-aggressive TAPS employees. In the appeal, I listed a bunch of circumstantial reasons why the ticket was invalid, mostly blaming TAPS for being sloppy, and Bel Aired them at the end of the letter in spite. I just got the results of the administrative hearing, and surprisingly, I won by default!

"In your appeal, you stated that the signs to the entrance of the lot are not easily seen and is[are] oriented to only be visible from one direction. You stated that several cars received citations on January 11 in this lot, suggesting that the permit requirements are not well posted. You also included a portion of the lyrics to the TV show "The Fresh Prince of Belair" as part of your appeal. I am dismissing this citation because I did not provide a reply to you within the time limit required (90 days from requesting the administrative hearing). ...
A refund of $30 will be sent...in approximately two or three weeks."

How great is that? The system works, man!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should have just paid the fine normally. The fines levied on illegal parking is needed to ensure that parking and transportation runs smoothly and efficiently on UCD campus.