Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Social Analysis: What Cho Seung-Hui Left Behind

The social mechanism of calamity is a pretty complex process that involves, among other things, The Five Stages of Grief, chaotic discontent, and political sifting. Here, I attempt to show that all parties involved, rational and working for their self-interests, actually make the situation worse. The fallout of VTech is basically like an itchy mosquito bite that causes you to scratch, worsening the wound.

This game tree shows that what is in the best interest of the Asian community is in conflict with the best interests of the media and the Fed. In other words, the best outcome for Asians is a bad outcome for government/media, and the best outcome for the government/media is a worse outcome for Asians. Thier interests are at odds with each other.
Someone has to lose and the situation is tending against Asians, as the voice of public opinion seems to be neither rational nor forgiving as you can see below. The first facebook group in the list was made by a reporter trying to collect information from Seung's classmates.

Cho Seung-Hui was described as a "guy that kept to himself", an English major that wrote morbidly dark liturature, a guy that played lots of basketball, and most of all, is asian. As society searches for causes that induced the shooting, they will look for the common violence indicators like small animal torture or self-destructive behavior. But because this shooter is ethnically unique, I predict that the evaluation will be ethnically biased.

So the million dollar question is, what is the best choice of action for Asians now?

Friday, April 13, 2007

Let's destroy the Internet.

Some of our best scientists from around the world, working in secrecy and corresponding over relatively outdated telegraph and carrier pigeon comm lines have come up with a plan that may save humanity. Populations are exploding, the environment is suffering and world health is in shambles. What can we do to destroy the underlying cause of all these problems?

Dive into the heart of the internet. And kill it.

Kill it with a virus, kill it by shutting off the infrastructure, kill it with denial of service attacks and through destruction of the telecom system. Either way, the internet as we know it will end.

But does it stop there?

No way! These same scientists are proposing we make an entirely NEW Internet, probably dubbed Internet 9.0 by this point, which sports a better infrastructure, a better-planned system of checks and balances and, more importantly, better control of how important information is relayed from the world-wide infoweb to your computing box.

What does this mean to you? Well, here's how things are probably going to be in the next 10-15 years while scientist and internet engineers create the new World Wide Web.

1. Porn will be strictly monitored and overseen by advanced supercomputers which document new porn sites and filter out those that do not comply with the newer, stricter internet porn standards. For example, granny porn and child porn will be filtered so that you don't get one while trying to search for the other.

2. All of your weblogs will be erased, as well as all the sites that support user-generated content. All of these sites, such as YouTube and Myspace, will be relayed to one, big site called, which is maintained by the Department of the Interior. You get to put all of the content you desire on a simple, bland text document and upload it for others to view. If you want to attach a .pdf or a .wav file to your new blog, you will find your net-taxes sharply raised.

3. What's a net-tax? Simple. How much you pay in taxes is based not only on your marital status and income, it's now based on how much stupid crap you put on the internet. Every movie clip you make of yourself acting like a retard in front of a webcam takes up valuable space on the New Internet, and the New Internet doesn't like to put up with your bullshit. Even if you're a loser who works at Chipotle to pay for his marijuana and internet habits, guess what? Now you're paying 80% of your minimum-wage to the Federal Government (the best kind) to help maintain the internet you so love and also to fight childhood obesity.

4. No internet phenomenons. The New Internet doesn't stand for that bullshit. Anything approaching the level of viral video or site is treated as a virus that the immune system of the New Internet must destroy as soon as possible. If the Tubgirl pic or All Your Base or Hamsterdance or you upload to the net starts getting attention and infecting other valuable citizens, it is automatically deleted and your internet will be terminated. You personally will also be treated as a diseased individual and you will find it hard to land a job that has any sort of background check.

5. Any online computer game that involves interacting with other individuals in an online fantasy environment will be strictly illegal. This basically means that South Korea will have to invent its own special Internet so that their economy doesn't collapse. Productivity of American workers will increase by about 16% as people whose lives would otherwise be wasted turn their attentions instead to either industry or suicide.

I am excited and enthralled at the possibilities of the New Internet, and therefore invite all of you to prepare for this second (or ninth) coming of the World Wide Web. This is some serious Noah's Flood shit going on and you better be ready to sink or swim.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth(2006)

This acclaimed documentary is basically a video of professor Gore's lecture seminars interspersed with heartfelt stories of his youth. Throughout the movie, he presents some pretty strong evidence for greenhouse warming and does a comprehensive emotional appeal. Gore portrays himself as "The wise man staring longingly out the window". His failed legacy haunts him, whether touring on the road or flying over by aircraft, he would always contemplatively gaze through the glass, watching the world pass him by.

This verbose and charismatic Gore is in great contrast to the diet-coke drinking VP we once knew during the 90's who shunned the media and thus earned titles like "Senatorial Robot", "Statue" and "Vice President Boring". It seems to me like he spent the last 5 years reinventing himself with a new theme, stirring up liberal society for a chance to relive the glory of the Clinton era.

As for the concept of Global Warming, I'm still not buying it.

This is why. He shows a positive correlation between C02 levels and atmospheric temperature that is pretty solid, but that's all he shows. You could just as easily draw a correlation between population growth and temperature, implying with equivalent logic that human breathing or sewage causes global warming. The point is that the evidence is just a correlation.

Is the Decline of Piracy Causing Global Warming?

Many are quick to think the evidence as irrefutable, but that itself is a fallacy. The rising temperature statistics he presented are just circumstantial evidence suggesting that pollution=heat. It is neither causal nor predictive and ultimately ignores many ecological solutions to global warming that have been proposed in the last decade.
As an example of why cautious doubt is always scientifically prudent, think about the veracity of science conducted during Nazi Germany. Institutes of the Reich tried to prove fictitious racial ideology with anatomical traits and anthropological data. Theories on global warming should be subject to scrutiny that is equally vigilant lest we be swept away by cult following and counterproductive eco-mania.

Despite this recalcitrance, I actually concur with ecological cleanliness values and the call for pollution reduction. Most of all, I am okay with Al Gore as the face of environmental advocacy for the next administration and beyond.
Only if he comes up with better jokes tho.

Acting Talent: 75%
Visual Stimulation: 80%
Logic and Sense: 100%
Adrenal Stimuation: 5% (melting ice)
Enlightenment Award

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Diary of a Mad Black Woman(2005)

"What are you doing in my closet! That's my *Joke about black pplz* x50 get out of my house."

I wasn't expecting much from this. Nor did I get much. The theme is supposedly about revenge and forgiveness and true love and bla bla bla bla bla whatever. This is the image I saw.

Black Comedy 1
Black Comedy 2
Black Comedy 3
Black Comedy 4
Ghetto Joke
Black people are bad at math Joke
Latino Joke
Ghetto Party

That’s it. Some people described how they were inspired by the emotion and how it brings up racial issues and sexual battles, but I didn't really pick up any of that. The whole thing was just so degenerate. Besides, what's so funny about being an asshole your whole life and then getting paralyzed and then humiliated by people that hated you? HAHA ok maybe that part was funny.

Acting Talent: 50% (much better than you would think)
Visual Stimulation: 40% (its just a ghetto)
Realism: 10%
Self-Inflicted Racism Award