I don't know what it is about epic zombie movies that people find so appealing. I have never found them to be good entertainment, except perhaps for a few transient moments of shock value. Yet, since the name was famous, I figured I'd give it a whirl. I've seen plenty of bloody shit before (mostly thanks to the internet), so it wasn't so much disgusting as it was socially disturbing.
Of course, a zombie world would be most appealing to people who despise social orderliness. Societal norms and adherence to customs is tacky. You yearn to break free. Here in the zombie world, the braindead dogma of the masses gets converted into what it really represents, a mindless wasting hunger. People are stupid emotional wrecks. You are not. That pedantic Kantian philosophy means nothing because people are not inherently valuable at all. They are merely a small factor of your survival.
Or maybe not. The appeal of the zombiepocalyse might be the artistic license of the Rapture. Everything is fucked so fuck you fucker also die faggot.
Forgettable zombie movie that gives you a blah feeling at the end. Has a British flavor.
Prequel Rating: 60%
Sequel Rating: 40%