Tuesday, April 10, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth(2006)

This acclaimed documentary is basically a video of professor Gore's lecture seminars interspersed with heartfelt stories of his youth. Throughout the movie, he presents some pretty strong evidence for greenhouse warming and does a comprehensive emotional appeal. Gore portrays himself as "The wise man staring longingly out the window". His failed legacy haunts him, whether touring on the road or flying over by aircraft, he would always contemplatively gaze through the glass, watching the world pass him by.

This verbose and charismatic Gore is in great contrast to the diet-coke drinking VP we once knew during the 90's who shunned the media and thus earned titles like "Senatorial Robot", "Statue" and "Vice President Boring". It seems to me like he spent the last 5 years reinventing himself with a new theme, stirring up liberal society for a chance to relive the glory of the Clinton era.

As for the concept of Global Warming, I'm still not buying it.

This is why. He shows a positive correlation between C02 levels and atmospheric temperature that is pretty solid, but that's all he shows. You could just as easily draw a correlation between population growth and temperature, implying with equivalent logic that human breathing or sewage causes global warming. The point is that the evidence is just a correlation.

Is the Decline of Piracy Causing Global Warming?

Many are quick to think the evidence as irrefutable, but that itself is a fallacy. The rising temperature statistics he presented are just circumstantial evidence suggesting that pollution=heat. It is neither causal nor predictive and ultimately ignores many ecological solutions to global warming that have been proposed in the last decade.
As an example of why cautious doubt is always scientifically prudent, think about the veracity of science conducted during Nazi Germany. Institutes of the Reich tried to prove fictitious racial ideology with anatomical traits and anthropological data. Theories on global warming should be subject to scrutiny that is equally vigilant lest we be swept away by cult following and counterproductive eco-mania.

Despite this recalcitrance, I actually concur with ecological cleanliness values and the call for pollution reduction. Most of all, I am okay with Al Gore as the face of environmental advocacy for the next administration and beyond.
Only if he comes up with better jokes tho.

Acting Talent: 75%
Visual Stimulation: 80%
Logic and Sense: 100%
Adrenal Stimuation: 5% (melting ice)
Enlightenment Award

1 comment:

Miss Non-Sequitur said...

HA HA I finally found your comments about my blog! Very sneaky of you... :)