Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Phone Booth(2002)

Phonebooth actually does take place entirely in a phonebooth. It pretty much goes like this.

Colin Farrell: HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!

Man on the Phone: Listen carefully, I will kill you if you do this, this, this, or this without that, the other thing with that thing...(EXPLAINS SHIT)

Colin Farrell: But...I CAN'T.

Police Negotiator: HEY...what's going on.

Man on the Phone: DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!

Phonebooth: oomph.

Police: The real murderer is CANCER.

That's it. I can't remember what happens at the end. Umm...some kind of surprise ending involving a pizza delivery man. Whatever.

Rating 30%


Anonymous said...

the caller was keifer sutherland fuckin jack bauer.
colin farrell stood no chance.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a fairly good movie. If you don't like it or get it or if you thought it was boring. Good for you. If you don't like Colin Farrell than please hate him privately, because I really don't care.