Wednesday, August 6, 2008

WALL·E (2008)

I have never seen a Pixar movie that I didn't like. They're great, refreshingly unique, and the animation is top notch. Well...that is with exception to The Incredibles, which I thought was degrading and tacky, not to mention slightly racist.
Wall-E has this funny message about mass consumerism. In the movie, material consumption trashes the earth and makes people lazy, so much so that it causes humans to devolve slightly. Mankind becomes completely dependent on machines and tele-electronics, and since all their human desires are satisfied all the time, they forget about everything else in life. The Wall-E robot btw, is this crude trash compacting machine that lives on a huge desert of garbage. The story works its way up from there.

Movie has really good jokes.
Rating: 90%


Jusl89 said...

The Incredibles was "incredibly" racist. At the end of the movie, only the white family is contacted for more government work while the black superhero (Samuel L. Jackson) is never credited for helping with the defeat of the evil guy.

Frankenstein said...

Are you shitting me

Anonymous said...

hahahaha its true