Monday, September 29, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

This was the complementary movie on my flight to Narita. I'm not too good on the story since I saw the first half dubbed in Japanese, fell asleep, caught the second half in English, and missed the ending due to in-flight turbulence. So, my impression of it is slightly biased by the choppy nature of what I saw. Nonetheless, I thought it was a pretty fun movie. I don't remember much about the original Indy films, so the nostalgia factor is null to me, but at least the story went somewhere. Or maybe it was the wine I had on the plane. I've never done that before. Maybe it was that.

Japanese Indy sure had a deep voice.
Rating: 55%


Anonymous said...

if you are in japan watch "20th century boys" if it is still playing


gangsters making faces seem to be a pretty big item here. Figurine wise anyway.

Wasimun said...

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