Pick up one of these at your local Walmart to get a textbook example of race based marketing turned racist cheesing. This publication is a collection of articles showcasing the achievements of people with black hair. How exotic! I had no idea that those foreigners were allowed to participate in the American economy.
Part 1: What better way to catch people's attention than by putting a sassy Korean clothing model on the cover? That is an absolute requirement. Just to be safe, better put that Korean guy, Rain, on the cover just for racial correctness. Rain is on the cover of every in-your-face Asian focus magazine.
PS. Speedracer = gay
Part 2: Walmart says that Asian people are rising because they do cool stuff. Take this guy, Charlie Woo, who is a huge success because he sells imported Chinese goods to Walmart. Conflict of interest? Naaaah, that doesn't exist in Asiatica.
Or how about this- Did you know that the chef at the White House is Filipino? I had no idea that was possible! I thought that all people from the Philippines work as babysitters. I am now enlightened.
Part 3: There is nothing that Asian people care more about than education. Better put an article about that in here and have it written by an Asian person. It's okay if the article is a shameless plug about buying Hooked on Phonics or some shit as long as it's authored by a doctorate. Doctorates deserve our respect damn it.
So what is this? Tacky salesmanship? Forced racial appeal?
What is Walmart trying to say by printing this? Who knows. However, there happens to be one thing that this magazine shows very clearly: Asian Americans are once again guilty of being the biggest sellouts. No contest.
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