Saturday, March 14, 2009

Stewart vs Cramer

Every once in a while, Jon Stewart speaks for liberals everywhere and clowns a public figure. This week, that man was Jim Cramer, and the verdict on the internet is an overwhelming victory for Stewart.

Is it really? The interview begins like any other episode of the Daily Show. Initial pleasantries are followed by funny but insulting questions. Stewart accuses Cramer of several varieties of fraud, against which Cramer is too nervous to defend himself. He twitches a bit and shamelessly chastises himself for the rest of the interview, allowing Stewart to passionately bitch him out. Pwned, right?

Not quite. Unfortunately, beating down Cramer makes little sense. He's way too easy. Between doing retarded shit with a soundboard and having potent anger issues, Cramer is weird and easily despised. That goes double for being accused of contributing to the recession.

So naturally, Stewart blames Cramer for being the direct cause of people losing their savings. Honestly? If you actually take investment advice from a show called "Mad Money" hosted by a bald raving lunatic, then you are an idiot and probably would have lost money anyway.

Stewart also has a problem with Cramer juxtaposing a soundboard with a serious topic like your life savings. Stewart is telling Cramer to be more serious? Common, this is just typical capitalist sleaze. Lighten up.

People everywhere are watching Cramer get publicly disgraced and thinking to themselves, "take that Wall Street!". But Cramer is just a court jester in the world of finance. Jon Stewart has not sent any "fuck you" to Wall Street by publicly disgracing Cramer, instead, he has simply lynched a clown. Yeah, that's kind of funny, but it is not a victory.

(insert picture of a Jewish man punching a clown here)


Jusl89 said...

Your points would be valid if Jon Stewart had an actual agenda. In the end, he's just a comedian and Cramer increased ratings so he took it. He didn't go after Cramer to make a statement, he did it to make jokes.


(makes funny face)
(makes recursively insulting comment or pun)
(talks about how much he misses ed helms since leaving daily show)

Frankenstein said...

Catharsis is fun but totally pointless.

This is just one bad actor going after another bad actor for the hooting masses to squeal over. They probably showed the roast of larry the cable guy right after and Stewart's audience didn't get the irony.