Monday, March 12, 2007

300 (2007)

300 will put hair on your chest.

Spartans are the perfect killers, brutal and senseless, yet cunningly adroit and collusive. They neither feel sorrow nor dread, ignoring pain and denying marks of mutilation so that they can fight a lot and scream about going to hell. But for reaching the height in the slaughtering arts, they've obviously sacrified concoordinately in their ability to express themselves. Leonidas, while having just about the best one-liners in cinematic history, also wins Worst Actor. So bad you have to see the Spartan bedroom scenes to believe it. He obviously spent too much time lifting and getting huge and didn't spend enough time practicing his lines. He could also stand to clear his throat before yelling full blast, like when he says, "LETS GIVE THEM SOMETHING TO DRINK!!"

The giganticism of Xerxes, or Rodrigo Santoro, also caught my eye. He's twice the size of a normal man, acts creepy, employs hideously deformed subhuman monstrosities, and has a deep, echoing synth voice that you absolutely cannot ignore. I'd choose him for the Hitman movie.


Newspaper and reviewers have been making comparisons between 300 and Gladiator. The similarity in action content is undeniable, but I say Gladiator bests. The story and development has more substance, and it probably makes more practical sense. If you define Gladiator as sober, then 300 is piss drunk.


Frankenstein said...

i just assumed the clips on youre the man now dog were more entertaining than the movie itself and saved 7 dolla

Jusl89 said...

It's entertaining, especially the first phalanx fight and all the ridiculous monsters, like sword-arms guy. Everything was stylized, and was a pretty good adaptation from the comic book. Plenty of badass parts. Just lacking in acting and a real message.