Monday, March 26, 2007

Walking Tall(2004)

"A truck for a truck. That's justice."

Just look at that face. The Rock is getting his beat down once again, this time in some rustic town that has been taken over by a casino baron. Fresh out of the military, The Rock checks out the gambling house, dislikes what he sees, and gets pissed off. He then grabs a piece of wood and starts bashing the slot machines and beating up security, all without saying a word. This low budget movie is based on the story of Buford Pusser, a lawman known for kicking righteous ass and fighting with wood products like boards or tree branches. I should have followed his example when I visited Reno, as I would've enjoyed smashing those slot machines and maybe busting up all of those incessant flashing lights.

1 comment:

Frankenstein said...

The casinos have to pay their fair share