Saturday, June 2, 2007

I, Robot(2004)

"Blablabla Robots, blablabla OH hell noes."

Newsweek magazine says that Will Smith is the best actor in Hollywood today. He has top marks in everything, grosses in the billions, and his kid looks decent.
The content of I,Robot can be described as a standard Will Smith flick. He talks tough, shoots stuff, and drives something that looks expensive, and as usual, his dickbag boss is trying to keep him down. Humans get beat up and robots rise to power. To the disappointment of most scifi and cyberpunk fans; however, the story of I, Robot was very much unlike the robomecha story by Issac Asimov and contains mostly "fuck shit piss" scenes and rapid robotic hand-to-hand combat. Basically, it's dumbed down for the masses.

This movie, as far as originality goes, barely resembles the real "I, Robot". In fact, it's a perversion so far as cyberpunk is concerned, so what's the point of tacking on this complete misnomer? This really should have been titled "Will Smith works out and eats breakfast in a movie again" and cut the bullshit.

Visual Stimulation: 90%
Acting Talent:70%
Logic and Sense: 60%
Plausability: 4/10
Adherence to cyberpunk ideology: 20%

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