Sunday, May 27, 2007

Flags of Our Fathers(2006)

"No sense being a hero if you don't look like one."

This movie is said to be the best movie that nobody saw in 2006. After 5 full years of fighting in Iraq, the public was sick of war and jaded from glory, so most avoided this genre. Yet, this had more merit than anything I've seen in recent memory, bringing the grinding afterparty of military victory into full view.
It starts after a combat unit that raised a flag on Iwo Jima got themselves into the front page of the paper. Realizing how inspirational the scene was, the brass sent them home for a tour of the country to raise money for war funds and to generate publicity. It hurt them to be called "war heroes". After all, the photograph was staged and out of the 6 people that raised the flag, 3 of them were already dead, and one was just pretending to be in the picture so he could go home.
It was after the war ended that the situation got bad. Unemployed and forgotten by the public, poverty and discrimination made for a dreary livelyhood.
Looking forward to Letters from Iwo Jima.

Acting Talent: 70%
Logic and Sense: 85%
Visual Stimulation: 95%

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