Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ridiculous and Insane Protestors

The world is changing hands. Great powers are rising. The things people care about are being decided, and with democratic freedom comes civil protests that bury entire cities in civil disorder. I have keenly been observing these recent upheavals and I can tell you that I can disgusted by how stupid they are. Here goes:

Muslim Protests Against The People of Denmark


Millions of "radical Islamists" want to kill the Danes because of the Theo Van Gogh blasphemy picture. Not only was Van Gogh brutally murdered by a radical Islamist hitman, but the call for the eradication of the Danish race came up. All of this for a religious blasphemy?
Reasonably enough, this reaction was seen by most Westerners as barbaric and medieval. I think this is totally outrageous. Islam should be happy! You took Constantinople back from the crusaders, okay? Jihad over.

Chinese Protesters against Carrefour

Apparently, there is something called the "Chinese Internet", and on this subset of the internet, word got out that FRENCH PEOPLE THINK TIBET ISN'T A PART OF CHINA AND THEY HATE CHINKS.
So what do Chinese citizens do? They vent their nationalist anger by protesting a French supermarket called Carrefour (even though this rumor turned out to be false). Simply absurd. Why do Chinese people think that they're beyond criticism? Hey, the Cultural Revolution is over, motherfuckers.

American Protests against Darfur


This is an idyllic scene of white people valiantly coming to the aid of suffering Africans unable to care for themselves. They do not care why they are hungry, simply that they are, and that Americans need to send food to save that child right away. To do this, they know they must convince others to help, so they create artistic and pleading slogans to inspire others to send help too. They photoshop pictures of starving people and put captions on it like "she is waiting for just 1 bean" or "I hope you are grateful where you live".
Shocked by these unusual images, the people listen: They say "oh my goddd thats so saddd" or "thats so horrible!!!!!!!!!" and the money pours in.
This is manipulative social poison. Why do these people think they can succeed in feeding the people when all the governments of the world have failed? If you could feed with clicks, believe me, the world would be flush with virtual food. Take a lesson from Rambo: stfu!

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