Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Lost City (2005)

The aforementioned "lost city" is Havana, where we get to see old democratic Cuba get swept over by communism. My god, the sacrifices that must be made to enact societal changes are brutal. The once noble families divided by these conflicting pluralistic and socialist ideologies face disappointment beyond measure. A lifetime of regret and shame awaits them once they escape to the States.

As the movie depicts it, Havana was good thing in the world that got destroyed, the symbol for which is an innocent city nightclub that gets ended by the Fidel Castro society. Because the American east coast has a large Cuban diaspora, hollywood movies like this often turn into tacky anti-communist art forms. But I didn't find that to a particular problem here. Instead, what I found to be more of a problem was that there was too much irrelevant conversation that bored the shit outta me. Show me more guerilla warfare!

Rating: 40%

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