Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Santa's Slay(2005)

This is one of those movies that's intentionally horrible to make it hilarious, and every way of making it more horrible has been given careful thought. Former pro wrestler Bill Goldburg plays Santa, who turns out to be the extremely buff brother of Satan. In extreme contrast to his usual activities, he decides to kill people for Christmas, going from house to house on his "hell deer" powered battle sled.
The movie is split between 2 motifs: an implausably cheesy teen love story and Santa on a killing spree. You can ignore all the storyline and character shit because it's soundly boring and is nearly irrelevant. Don't get the wrong impression though. The kills are horribly creative, including impaling a jew with a menorah, clocking a bouncer with a stripper pole, and an ocular stabbing with a candy cane, all the while playing trumped up Christmas songs. You will either get a good laugh out of this or hate this movie with a burning passion.


Jusl89 said...

God, this looks like the best movie ever.

Anonymous said...

That is Oscar quality film right there.

One of best blockbusters of the century.