Monday, August 6, 2007

How to Crack a Master Combination Lock

Well I tried this method and it really works, and i was able to break into a combination lock that I forgot the numbers to. The reason that this method works is because it subverts the algorithm that MasterLocks are configured to and allows you to limit the number of possible combinations.
You can actually find the combo to a lock in about 20 minutes, but being error prone, I fucked up the calculations and wasted an hour and a half cracking the lock with the wrong numbers. Finally cracking the combo at 4AM wasn't nearly as satisfying as I thought it would be. Whatever. I've saved me $5 by breaking this lock in myself. Fuck you MasterLock.

Crack source with extra tools

1 comment:

Jusl89 said...

Would have been funnier if he just repeatedly pounded the lock with a hammer until the lock came out like I used to do as a kid, all with the same calm voice.