Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Sarah Conner Nagging

Hey, I've seen that face before!

This show is about the computers in the future sending back Terminators to kill blah blah blah blah, basically it's about Sarah Conner nagging her son every chance she gets. While this may at first seem to be a negative point, it's actually one of the few shows that I can really relate to.

Hidden among all the explosions, flying bullets, and robots throwing each other around, the producers have masterfully recreated the nagging mom. Here are just some of the few things Sarah Conner complains about:

1. John Conner getting a B- in Honors Militia class
2. John Conner not folding his tactical combat suit after taking it out from the dryer
3. John Conner didn't assemble futuristic rail gun until Sarah Conner had to tell him three times
4. John Conner, while driving in reverse and shooting at pursuing Terminator, drove 35 mph in a 25 mph zone
5. John Conner's ammo box still not organized according to caliber of bullet for fifth straight week

"John! How many times do I have to tell you to calibrate the magnetron before attaching the fusion barrel?!"

That said, this show is actually pretty good in capturing the feel and setting of the original two movies, except for the biggest flaw: no Arnold. Any Terminator fan knows that the entire idea of the Terminator revolved around Arnold being a badass, and his unique style of acting (none). This is where the producers failed, because all the Terminators are either rapists, assholes, or hot chicks. For the main Terminator, I think they were trying to go for "badass", but somehow wandered onto the set of Friends.


Sex offender

There's plenty of action from these Terminators, but the real joy from seeing them comes from the chance that might kill Sarah Conner.

If this is the future, I welcome our new robot masters

In the end, this is an action packed story about robots from the future, world annihilation, sacrifice for a new generation, and John Conner wishing his mom would just shut up.

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