Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hellboy (2004)

Who is this guy? As far as I can tell, he is a bright red colored hellspawn that has a habit of making brunt wisecracks. He was created by some Nazi occult shit and then lives in a basement for 50 years, after which he is used for ghostbusting. That's stupid. Why does a devilspawn need a wussy revolver? And why does he grind down his horns into 2 little circles on his forehead? What, is that supposed to be like his equivalent of shaving? He doesn't like people anyway, so why would he groom himself like that? Grow some horns, fucker.

At first introduction we see him curling barbells and smoking. Sound like someone you know of? HEY where did you learn that lifting technique. Who's copying who now?

Rating: 40%
Too unremarkable to care about.


Frankenstein said...

hellboy 2 coming soon

Jusl89 said...

He has an oversized revolver so he can shoot custom made bullets. Cmon, that's badass.


no it's not
if the devil has a revolver then what does god have? Deagles? Hardballers?