Saturday, February 16, 2008

Children of Men (2007)


This movie appears to be representative of the war on terror and other human atrocities. It's set in a Britain turned fascist state where post-apocalyptic refugees are crammed into ghettos, and the government is violently trying to flush out terrorists and illegal immigrants alike.
The analogy between Islamic terrorism today is made painfully obvious, with angry sectarian mobs chanting "Allahu Akbar" and numerous Abu Ghraib style "black bag over the head" prisoner scenes. The pregnant woman in an infertile world is pretty much the messiah, and becomes wanted by the authorities, similar to the story of Jesus. This guy caught in the middle has to get her to a neutral group called "The Human Project", which is basically an analog for The Human Genome Project.
So...Children of Men is a message about how humans treat each other, either that, or a movie about the supply and demand of maternity. I'm not so sure, since the movie ended without a definitive resolution.

Rating: 75%
Started off great and gradually got worse and worse, ending with a slap in the face on a rowboat.

1 comment:

Frankenstein said...

Pay attention man, they get picked up by the people they were trying to find and during the credits you can hear children laughing.

This obviously means the rowboat sunk and Clive Owen and pregnant girl drowned to death.