Friday, February 22, 2008

Civil Disobedience: Paying Unjust Fines with Truculence Day 3

It's been almost 48 hours and I never heard from TAPS, so I sent them a courtesy email as a reminder. You know, in case they "lose my payment in a trash can". I got this response:

Dear customer: As soon as I know the confirmation of payment I will
email you. Unfortunately, the person who can verify the amount attended
a class in the morning and received a medical call from home.
You will receive confirmation.
Have a great day!
Thank you.
----- --------
Parking Services

Sounds like second grade bullshit. What's so hard about feeding money into your freakin machine? Does it take a specialist to do that? Do you need training? What the fuck. Well, nice of them to wish me well though. I appreciate that.

1 comment:

Frankenstein said...

I'd start driving towards the mexican border at this point.