Saturday, February 9, 2008

Into the Wild (2007)

They made me read this book in middle school. At the time, it was assigned reading about a guy that did weird stuff and decomposed in a bus. Krakauer kept using the word decomposed for some strange reason.
This was a guy going around living a nomadic American life. Cutting all ties with his past, he was supposed to find peace and freedom through his travels. The pinnacle of his personal achievements would be in his "great Alaskan adventure" where his goal was to live off the land, far away from the noxious delusions of society.

That process of enlightenment would be cut short upon his eating something poisonous in the Alaskan wilderness, dying in that abandoned bus, and his entry into decomposition. A great mixture of opinions circulate in regards to this story. Admiration for his life story is often topped by saying McCandless was an idiot, and that Into the Wild is a poetic glorification of stupidity.

McCandless: Hero or Dumb Jerk?
Oh well. Pretty good acting though, gotta say, pretty decent.

Rating: 60%
This is the second movie I have seen about someone going to the Alaskan wilderness and getting killed.(Grizzly Man) Yeah, that's enough of that.

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