Monday, March 24, 2008

Yeah I'm Done

I just graduated from a university. Yeah, just now. This is a backward-looking summary of how it went.

First Year: Like all freshmen, I lived the dorm life. I sorta went nuts because I found Davis uncomfortable and disliked my roommates, which frequently got me into trouble. I also found that I was a particularly poor judge of character, which would create lots of problems for me later on.

Second Year: Lived in a particularly bad part of town with some guys that thought they were characters from Harold and Kumar and dedicated their lives to charading as them. Putting up with this made my life miserable, and as a result, I developed a hatred for people that pretend to be poor to garner attention. My credo: "You know whats worse than stupidity? Stupidity mixed in with false conviction and complete bullshit."

Third Year: I spent a year as the sole occupant of a 1-bedroom apartment. Life was a lot better, which gave me the freedom to pursue my interests. On the other hand, I was frequently sick and had difficulty concentrating and remembering things. Weird. My condition improved after shutting off a gas pilot that was leaking natural gas into my bedroom, at least, I think it did.

Fourth Year: A very good year. I was taking classes that actually matter and did lots of interesting things. I also spent a considerable amount of time trolling and griefing people for cheap laughs. What more could you ask for?

Fifth Year: A fifth year? How embarrassing. Things were pretty much winding down, most people that I knew had left town, and my employment prospects were dim, so I just spent my time doing whatever I wanted. Just trying to keep things interesting.

Things in UC Davis that are bullshit:

ASUCD - Where lots of idiots shuffle papers and probably deal drugs.

Davis Police - Causing more problems than they solve.

Technocultural Studies Dept - I was forced to these people's insanity, which consisted of paranoid historical observations, shitty movies, and making shit up.

Asian American Studies - I used to think cultural awareness was a good thing in the universe, but this load of crap changed my mind. Slapping "cultural advocacy" onto something turns out to be an excuse for ethnic ranting. It is institutionalized racism and an outlet for social fear. Want to change people's minds about Asians? Get a major that matters.

Asian Punks - Man, there are a lot of them here. Just how Asian can you get? These people should be crammed into Asian ghettos, which would make them happy because it would remind them of their "hood" in some dirty Asian city of origin.

Teaching Assistants - I've been instructed by plenty of TA's and I've had good and bad. Mostly bad. For graduate students, most don't seem that intelligent. They're usually insane, obsessive, and not as brilliant as you would think.

Philosophy Dept - I have a great appreciation for philosophy in all forms, but classes on philosophy are bullshit. The arguments are stupid, the teaching is stupid, the people are stupid. If anything, it shows why people are dumb on average because they learn about ethics from a moron that uses the TV show Dexterto show why Abortion is amoral. Philosophy? More like Sophistry.

Things in UC Davis that are pretty good:

Sushi Buffets - Davis has a particularly good selection of these, which combines fine culinary products(Japanese food) with the condition of abundance all for a low price. Wow, competition works.

Environmentalism - For some reason, UCD is all about singing the praises of the Earth. Most poignant are the services and programs for bicycles and for garbage composting.

Dumpster Diving - I got some pretty good stuff. Dumpster diving really came through for me and drastically increased my materialistic potential.


Frankenstein said...

You forgot to list fire crew as the best thing evar

Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing, I have digged this post