Sunday, May 6, 2007

The Butterfly Effect(2004)

"Wrong answer, fuck bag."

Named after the famous precept of chaos theory, this movie became a cult classic during my freshman year of college. In the summer of 2004, I watched it for the first time on my laptop in a cramped 4-person dorm room of the Jian Tan international student center in Taipei, and was blown away by the concept. Traversing time with memories and changing the past? Holy shit, that might be my greatest wish, and im probably not alone. If that ability really existed, that would mean the end of human regret. Unfortunately, theres an issue of causality and the chaos created by the butterfly effect, meaning that there's a bit of discontinuity in the storyline.

This is a love story about a pair separated by timelines. He changes the past, things get fixed and then things get messed up again. The timeline takes him to all sorts of interesting places. However, if the ending isn't satisfactory enough for you, then try one of the ALTERNATIVE ENDINGS. What? It's a movie about causality.

Acting Talent: 80% Ashton Kutcher respect+
Logic and sense: 60%
Visual stimulation: 90%

1 comment:

Jusl89 said...

This concept has never been thought of before nor has it ever been made into a story. What's next, a movie about someone who could see into the future?