Friday, May 11, 2007

The Last King of Scotland(2006)

"I promise there is no human flesh."

For this controversial movie, the film makers at DNA films decided to bring ex-dictator Idi Amin out of retirement (from Saudi Arabia where he resides) to play himself in a movie about his own regime. His acting is at it's best as he tortures random Ugandans and executes his own family members. Just kidding, I made that up.

This is actually a dramatization of the 1970's genocide in Uganda under dictator Idi Amin(ranks up there with Pol Pot), where a visiting English doctor on a mission of mercy gets mixed up with the local military. Amin rose to power with bloodthirsty charisma and a jocular persona, and he was so good at it that he distracted the international media from the pile of 300,000 bodies that he was dumping in the central African countryside. Thats about it for this flick. He told some good jokes, got pissed off after some assassination attempt, and killed one of his wives by cutting off her arms and sewing them onto the stumps that were her legs. Uggh. Oh, and he kidnapped some Israelis. There you go. Suprise, another African genocide.

Acting Talent: 85%
Visual Stimulation:75%
Fear Induced:35%
Sickening Graphic Images That You Can Talk About Award


Jusl89 said...

We call it genocide, they call it "Tuesday"

Frankenstein said...