Gunner is a movie about assassination and conspiracy. Did I say Gunner? Whoa sorry, I meant to say "Shooter"; "Gunner" was the fake online filename given to the .avi to fool the MPAA censors.

Shooter is about Mark "Gunny" Walhberg shooting things from up to a mile away. Of course, he doesn't just pull triggers, he also conducts terrorist activities and other tricky stuff. This movie is great for the anti-government anarchists or whatever, storylines about an average American badass that fucks with the evil government.

The thing is, Mark Walhberg always plays characters that get betrayed, get pissed off, and spend the rest of the movie planning an intricately multi-tier-complex revenge. So basically, here he is in Shooter, doing the exact same thing he did in Italian Job but from farther away.
Rating: 60%

So..."Day of the Jackal" only MORE gay
I swear I've never seen that.
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