Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Simpsons Movie(2007)

This movie may be the last in the recent string of nostalgia films to revive the shows of the late 80's and early 90's. Like Transformers and Die Hard, the screenplay is one big cameo by over 100(maybe more) Simpsons characters doing the things that they usually do.

The setting is full of references to events that occurred during the episodes. This one refers to an ambulance that dropped Homer into the Grand Canyon.

Without knowing what the official ratings were, I can tell you that the online comments were mixed, some saying that the movie was a great time, and others saying it's a waste of money. For me, it didn't live up the hype. It had nothing special to offer in terms of animation or story, and I thought that this might have been a really great movie 5 years ago but lies below the standards of today.

They must have seen it coming

So what was Matt Groening thinking when he approved the production of this movie? Having spent most of his time producing pallid shit like Futurama, the franchise of The Simpsons was a thing of the past and has long been buried by more modern franchises like Family Guy and American Dad. To make up for that, the movie had to be aggressively advertised to close the time difference, yet ended up creating nothing new. The film directors knew this and did their best to compensate, so they decided to flash you with Bart's dick.(NOT shown here)

Animation: 60%
Story and Sense: 60%


Frankenstein said...

Futurama is "pallid shit"? Wow, you've just earned another tattoo review post!

Also I wish the newer simpsons episodes had that shaded, round look to them like the movie does, so I could tell them apart from the classic episodes and change the channel faster


hey tankman
futurama sux